Tag: Cut n Polish

Posts related to Cut n Polish

This Black Ford XR6 unfortunately suffered from overspray from a nearby factory and severe swirl marks from years of incorrect car washing. It once had a nice deep gloss but years of neglect had this car looking dull, lifeless and covered in swirl marks and scratches.

A Stage 2 Paint Correction was performed on this car over a total of 6 hours, an hour and a half was spent clay barring the car for overspray removal, clay bars are like play dough and are rubbed over the surface with a lubricant, clay barring removes any contamination embedded on the paint work to give it a smooth as glass feel before polishing the paint work.

After the clay barring was complete around 4.5hrs was spent machine polishing the paint work, this involves using a premium cutting polish and polishing pad to remove the heavier swirl marks and scratches, once the heavier swirls and scratches are removed [...]

Unfortunately like a lot of cars this near new black Toyota Corolla has fallen victim of the car wash café and their poor car washing techniques, after several trips to the car wash café the owner has noticed the paint no longer looks as good as it once did and is now covered in swirl marks and light scratches and lost its gloss.

This Stage 2 Paint Correction was performed at a total of 7 hours work. Machine Polishing to remove any imperfections in the paint work is a lengthy process and produces far better results then a quick cut n polish performed by most car detailers or car wash café’s, a proper Machine Polish is not something that can be done within an hour or two, this process involves Clay Barring the paint work to remove any contaminants then a Two Stage Machine Polish to remove any imperfections in the paint work and bring [...]

Unfortunetly like most red cars, especially earlier models with single stage paint over time they tend to become dull and life less and require a good polish/wax every few months to maintain their appearance not just a quick wash every few weeks, this Honda Integra is a perfect example.

A Stage 2 Paint Correction (Machine Polish) was done to bring the gloss and colour back, a service like this on a vehicle in this condition can be expected to take up to 6-8 hours using different polishing pads and polishes to restore the dull paintwork back to a high gloss finish without leaving buffer trails like inexperienced car detailers.


See the difference with the 50 / 50 Shot: